
Who can be an IAGT Member?
Any person with a minimum age of 18 years.
Benefits of Membership?
India association holds 4 events a year and partners with several other community agencies on other events during which we showcase our culture and heritage. Our intention is to enhance and increase understanding for the culture of India and address diversity issues.
Following are just a few of the benefits of becoming an IAGT member:
- Free entrance to our annual IAGT events.
- The exclusive opportunity for your children and family to perform at IAGT events and other events that we participate in.
- Kids become eligible to apply for IAGT Scholarship when applying for colleges.
- Members or their kids become eligible to publish Articles or publish their success story/achievements in IAGT-Newsletters.
- Receive a free copy of IAGT-Membership Directory.
- Reduced cost for Hindi and culture class
- Eligible to serve on IAGT committee to implement organizational and leadership skill set and become a good team player.
Your membership dollars help support and offset the cost of India Association events. Your support is invaluable to us.
Membership Fees?
Annual Membership and 10 years Membership is available for Family, Single and for Student Status. Please see below for fee structure.
Duration of Membership?
Annual Membership is collected for one calendar Year. The calendar Year of IAGT commences on Sept 1st and ends on Aug 31st of the following year.
When to pay Membership?
Members are highly encouraged to pay membership dues during early part of each calendar year to get full benefits of membership. The funds collected earlier will also help IAGT team to plan and budget their annual events accordingly.
Mode of Payment?
You can pay 3 ways. Click on “Subscribe” under appropriate category, download and fill in your information in the form.
- By Paypal Services online.
- By Mailing the check payable to IAGT. Enclose the completed form and mail to “India Association of Greater Tulsa, PO Box 471802, Tulsa, OK 74147.
- Pay personally by cash or check to one of our Executive committee members. You can reach us at any of our annual events or by email/phone listed on the “Contact” menu.